
UX projects

→ Avigilon 🔒
→ Calipsa 🔒
Digital Lending Chatbot
→ Mobile Wallet 
In-store Companion 
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Concept Design

In-store Companion

Feb 2018 

Team: 1 manager, 1 designer
Project length: 10 weeks
Work under Accenture Interactive
The nature of this project is confidential to comply with my non-disclosure agreement.

*Name and some information were altered for confidential purposes.


The client is a leading home product company, that aims to expand its omnichannel sales strategy through the development of a new e-commerce mobile app. 

The team has been engaged to assist in an expedited 10-week discovery phase of this project, focusing on defining the app's concept, target audience, and core functionalities.

Scope of work

  • Conduct user research to understand the client's target audience's needs, behaviors, and pain points regarding mobile shopping for home products.

  • Identify key opportunities for the client to leverage its existing omnichannel presence within the mobile app experience.

  • Develop journey maps to visualise user interactions with the app and potential touchpoints with other sales channels.

  • Define the core features and functionalities that will best serve the needs of the target audience and support the client's business goals.

  • Create a concept design for the MVP version of the mobile app, outlining core functionalities, user interface (UI) considerations, and overall value proposition.

  • Conduct usability testing with real target users to gather feedback on the MVP concept design and iterate based on their insights.

Timeline (10 Weeks):

  • Week 1: Project kickoff meeting and user research planning.
  • week 2: ideation workshop, analyse user research data, and develop journey maps.
  • Week 3-8: Define app concept, outline core functionalities, and create MVP design (wireframes or prototypes).
  • Week 9: Conduct usability testing with target users.
  • Week 10: Analyse usability testing results and iterate on MVP design.
  • Week 11: Finalise deliverables, including reports, concept documents, and feature roadmap for the final presentation.

For more details about this project, please contact me to discuss it in person!

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